How to update your default payment terms?

To update the default payment terms that appear on all of your invoices, you can follow these steps:

Go to the "Settings" section in InvoiceQuick.

Click on the "Invoice" tab.

Locate the field titled "Default payment terms".

Update the text in the "Default payment terms" field with the desired payment terms you want to set as the default for your invoices.

Once you have made the necessary changes, click on the "Save" button to save the updated default payment terms.

By updating the default payment terms in the InvoiceQuick settings, you can ensure that the specified terms will be displayed automatically on all your invoices. This provides consistency and clarity to your customers regarding the expected payment terms for your invoices. Remember that you can also customize the payment terms on individual invoices if needed, but the default terms will serve as a standard reference unless modified on specific invoices.

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