How to add expense as invoice item

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to add an expense as an invoice item in InvoiceQuick

Access the Expenses Section:

    • From the sidebar or main menu, click on "Expenses" to access your list of expenses.

Create an Expense:

    • To add an expense, look for an option to "Create Expense" or something similar. Click on it to create a new expense.

Associate a Customer:

    • While creating the expense, you'll have the option to associate it with a customer. Select the relevant customer from the dropdown menu or search them.

Save the Expense:

    • After entering all the expense details and associating it with a customer, be sure to save the expense entry.

Access the Invoices Section:

    • Return to the main menu or sidebar and click on "Invoices" to access your list of invoices.

Create a New Invoice for the Customer:

    • To create a new invoice for the customer associated with the expense, look for an option to "Create Invoice" or something similar. Click on it to start creating a new invoice.

Invoice Items Section:

    • While creating the invoice, you will reach a section where you can add line items to the invoice. Here, you'll have the opportunity to add items related to the customer's expenses.

Customer Has Expense:

    • Look for an option that indicates "Customer Has [number] Expense(s)" . Click on it to view the expenses associated with that customer.

Select Expenses to Add:

    • A preview window will appear, displaying all the expenses associated with the customer.
    • After previewing the expenses you want to include on the invoice, look for a button that allows you to "Add To Invoice". Click on it to add these expenses as line items to the invoice.

Complete Invoice:

    • Continue filling out the invoice details, including any additional items or information required for the invoice.

Save the Invoice:

    • Once you've added the expenses as line items and completed the invoice, save the invoice to confirm your changes.


    • You should receive a confirmation message indicating that the invoice with the added expenses has been successfully created.

By following these steps, you can easily add an expense as an invoice item in InvoiceQuick, allowing you to bill your customers for their associated expenses accurately.

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